Povești din adopție: Zeus

Adoption stories: Zeus

Zeus, living the good life.

You know Zeus, the one picked up from a neighborhood on the outskirts of Bucharest, full of ticks and sick with babesiosis, who was after any person who walked his dog on the alleys.

Many of you have been by his side and supported him financially in the months when he took a handful of pills and in the months when he had appointments with a cardiologist to monitor the heart and pulmonary arteries affected by heartworm disease.

You also know that he wore an Elizabethan collar for 11 days after the neuter surgery and that there was no gloomy or nervous moment, he was the same dog happy and grateful to see us.

You know that we had arranged his bed in the shed and in the winter he had an electric radiator to keep him warm.

Maybe you know, maybe you don't know, but Zeus entered the hearts of all those who knew him.
The man who took him to Scotland fell in love with him and when they reached their destination they spent some time together, the man did not quite want to leave him, Zeus kept jumping in his arms.

And now comes, yes, the part you don't know:

Zeus is in Scotland living the good life: he sleeps in comfy beds in the house and rests in the garden, he gets home cooked food, he gets homemade biscuits, he walks every day and goes on expeditions, he did puddleboarding, yes, I never did puddleboarding, did you? and more and more good things await him. Because he entered the souls of the people who adopted him and he stays there.

Claire, this miracle who saw Zeus only in photos and a few small videos, really saw Zeus. On the penultimate day of Zeus in Romania, Claire sent us a video in which she spoke especially to Zeus and told him how the whole family is eager and is waiting for him and asks when he is coming, because everyone already loves him. And she sent us the video so that Zeus could know and recognize her and not have any shock when he saw her for the first time. And Zeus had no shock. He happily went into Claire's arms and when he slept for hours after a long journey, he slept with a recording of Claire's voice, to get used to it.

And if you want to know a spicy detail, well yes, our dear Zeus has Chihuahua genes.

Time has been patient with all of us. Exactly one year, 4 months and 10 days time had patience with us. Maybe we rode from time to time the peaks of despair, anxiety, panic, frustration and more and more, when we saw that nothing is connected and that Zeus is condemned to live in the shed and in the backyard, but time was patient, Zeus had patience.

And at one point Emma did magic and that's how Claire appeared in our lives.

On August 16, 2021, a new chapter in the life of Zeus began, a chapter in which Zeus is living the good life.

P.S.: We truly thank Emma and her team at All Dog Rescue Scotland for their trust in us and Zeus and for making all of this possible. Thank you Claire, for seeing and choosing Zeus, for giving him the good life. Emma & Claire, you rock! And thank you to those of you who have been with Zeus throughout this story.