6 years ago I lost my gorgeous dog Abbey, she brought happiness to everyone around her as she just exuded kindness, love, gentleness and fun. I just couldn’t look at getting another dog for a long time… I started looking for another dog about a year ago, but just couldn’t find a dog that I had that same instant connection with…then about 6 months ago, my grandson who adored Abbey, said “gran, it’s maybe time to get another dog”, I was quite delighted to hear him say this as he was absolutely devastated as I was by her passing. I asked “are you sure” and he said “yes”.
As I was looking for a dog, so was my daughter in law, Emma. She managed to look on every available website, facebook page and advert that she could to help me find a dog. She sent loads of pictures for months of dogs needing foster care or adopting… but there just wasn’t a connection! Then… she sent me a picture of Zeus, and it was instant, I fell in love – his beautiful face and demeanour, I just had to see if I could foster him and I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else fostering him at all. He was just gorgeous… Emma had just sent the pic, and honestly didn’t think I would like him as he’s so big. She sent over the information for him on how to contact All Dogs Rescue Scotland, and I said “I’ve already contacted Emma from ADRS about fostering him”.
Emma from ADRS gave me a couple of days to see if I really wanted to go ahead and I said “YES PLEASE”… she put me in touch with Samantha who organised a video call to check my setting thoroughly and discuss any concerns I may have had, but I’d already done a risk assessment of my home, 6ft fence all round, access to the garden from 2 areas of my home, large space inside and out, inside door to a porch at the front door. Once I had passed the thorough test, Samantha sent me documents to look over and sign. Then Emma created a messenger group with Cristina who was fostering Zeus with her partner Daniel over in Romania, and oh my goodness, talk about amazing human beings…. Crisitina’s communication was phenomenal, offering lots of information and transcribing the vets scans and documents for me to give to my vet upon Zeus’s arrival. The pictures and videos that she sent to me while waiting for Zeus were just brilliant. I sent over a video so that he could hear me talking and see what I looked like just before he travelled over to Scotland.
They built an outdoor shed just for Zeus, so they could look after him as he had been abandoned for potentially week/months…searching for food and scaring anyone who came anywhere near him… and they really didn’t know how he was going to be with their dogs and cats, which was probably just as well as he was pretty awful with them to begin with. He was in a really bad way when Cristina and Daniel found him, with loads of health issues, including heartworms. They fundraised for his vet treatment at the University in Romania and had constant visits back and forward costing a fortune. But they never balked at doing any of this, they saw such a wonderful reaction from Zeus as he was healing beautifully as did the vets at the University.
To this day – I think of Zeus as “our” dog. He is such a beautiful, gentle, kind dog who has brought such an enormous amount of love and healing to my whole family, which in turn is healing him. We got a DNA test on Zeus and he has Chihuahua in him, which is hilarious… He just loves being inside on his posturepedic dog beds!! As well as going for long walks, paddleboarding trips and playing in the garden. And goodness me what a speed he runs at!!
My 6 yr old grandaughter helps me feed and walk him. She gets him to sit, roll over, paw and stop all without saying a word to him using home made treats in positive reinforcing.
Basically Cristina and Daniel saved his life. Without them finding Zeus when they did he wouldn’t have survived, this thought still makes me cry to this day. They were his guardian angels, who were very generously allowing me to look after him 16 months later. I would never have found my forever dog without them, and I am truly truly grateful for them.